The premedical course for foreign citizens was founded in 1990.
More than 1000 listeners successfully graduated from the premedical course.
Among them the citizens of 44 countries: China, Congo, Jordan, Egypt, India, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkey, Tunisia, etc.
Dear friends, you are welcome to Dnipro State Medical University!
We wish you to be persistent in realization your cherished dream – to become a doctor!

The main goal of the premedical course is
the language training and studying of general education disciplines that will allow students to continue successfully study in the academy and to become highly qualified specialists who will be able to work on the chosen specialty in the different countries of the world.
The premedical course academic year begins on October 1 and lasts till June 30.
Listeners study only the Ukrainian language in the 1st semester. In the 2nd semester they study the features of scientific style of the Ukrainian language, and also biology, chemistry and physics.
After graduating from the course listeners pass the final examinations. Summative assessment confirms the quality of the premedical course training.
The highly professional teachers provide high-quality education in chemistry, physics, biology, the Ukrainian languages. The departments working with premedical course listeners actively develop the own techniques of teaching, the material and technical resources, computer classes work with the new training programs.
The staff of the academy considers problems and gives help in long process of foreign citizens’ adaptation to a way of life in Ukraine, national traditions, Slavic culture and mentality.
Premedical course listeners participate in all academy activities, national and religious festivals, evenings of international friendship, became prize-winners and winners of the annual "Student's Spring" festival, participate at the international student's conferences in all higher education institutions of Dnipro city, their works appear in the academy newspaper “Pulse”.
Enrollment papers have been accepting from August 21 to October 27.
The foreign entrants apply for academy admission with the following documents:
(the documents specified in subparagraphs 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 have to be translated into Ukrainian with official issuing of the translation)
- the application questionnaire of the established sample;
- copy of the foreign citizen passport;
- the document (the original and the copy) of previous education;
- the appendix (the original and the copy) to the document of previous education (if available);
- and received points on education discipline not lower than 160 points on a 200-mark scale (not lower than 60% of the corresponding scale of the country) at condition of receiving 140 points (not lower than 40% of the corresponding scale of the country) in biology (for specialties "general medicine" and "dentistry") or chemistry (for specialty "pharmacy");
- the medical certificate about the state of health certified by the health care official body, issued not later than two months before the departure for study to Ukraine;
- the health insurance card; copy of the birth certificate;
- six color photos of 30х40 mm in size;
- letter of consent on personal information processing;
- copy of the independent test results (if available).